FAQ and Help

Quick answers to common questions. Contact us if you can’t find what you need here.

I installed the plugin but it's making no sound and it can’t find the samples.
Our drums come in two parts: the virtual drum sampler, and the sample library. On installation, the virtual sampler will put itself in the correct location so it can be found by your DAW. You, however, have to choose a place in your set-up to keep the sample library, and then tell the virtual sampler where the samples are. It is easier to do then it sounds.

You can choose to put the library anywhere in your system - on your main hard drive, on a removable drive if you are working on a few different computers or in different locations. Some people put their samples along with other recording resources in one central location; other people put them in a directory along with all their client and personal music projects. It doesn’t matter where you put them, what matters is the virtual sampler knows where the samples are.

After launching the plugin, go to the Settings panel. Click on Change Sample Location. Navigate to the folder or directory where you placed the sample library and choose the folder - it will be called COATED-19 Sample Library or Back To School 1.0 Sample Library. Click open or select, depending on your OS. Finally, remove the plugin from the channel and then add it back to the channel - this will reinitialize it and load the sample library.

How long do your plugin demos last and are there any limitations?
Our plugin demos work completely and with no limitations for seven (7) days. After that, they stop working completely, and at that point you need to get yourself a license to continue using them.
Does the iLok copy protection on your plugins require owning an iLok dongle?
No. Our plugins make use of iLok Cloud, which doesn’t require ownership of a dongle. All you need is an iLok account (which is free) to unlock your license and use your drums. Here is a long winded pdf which might be helpful.. Dongle. Dongle. What a silly word. Dongle dongle dongle.
I don’t have an iLok account.
No problem. When you first load the plugin on your DAW, it will take you through the steps to set up an iLok account.
I’m used to virtual drums that have 10 different kits, 20 different snares, etc. Why are Basic Drum Co kits small?
We noticed that whenever we used virtual drums in our own work, we would end up using one set all the time - one kick, one snare, a set of toms we liked, etc. The rest of the samples just sat on the hard drive taking up space. And friends we talked to said the same thing. So, we decided to make single sets of drums that simply sound great, take up very little space on your hard drive, and that are straightforward to work with.
I don’t know much about drum processing. Do Basic Drum Co drums need additional compression and equalizing?
Our drums are ready to go and are ready for your final mix. They’ve been carefully eq’d and compressed to sound great, the kit has been balanced and fits with itself well. They’re perfect for someone new to recording. And they’re also perfect for experienced producers and engineers who want to get to finished product as quickly as possible. You’ll also find that even our simplest set, Back to School 1.0, the minimal controls will give you a lot of different sounds.